On a recent vacation with my son to Costa Rica, he formed a
close relationship with the ho tel owner’s cat.
While we were staying there the two were inseparable, the cat even
sleeping in my son’s bed.
At the same time, the whole reason we were visiting Costa
Rica was my son wanted to see monkeys.
We were really excited when we discovered the hotel grounds were full of
them, especially the mischievous white face monkeys (the ones known to steal
cameras and food out of backpacks).
Near the end of our trip we talked to the hotel staff about
the close relationship my son and their cat had formed. My son was devastated to find out one reason
the cat had attached himself to him was that the monkeys had been trying to eat
the cat. Evidently after several
attempts at being carried away, the cat had learned to hide out in the guest
This new information caused my son a great internal
dilemma. He loved watching the monkeys
play but now knowing they were a threat to his new cat friend, he was
struggling with his feelings about them.
It reminds me of a lot of some of my clients around the holidays. They love their family, but some of the
things they do or have done drive them crazy.
The struggle between loving someone and not loving what they do can even
be conflicting. This conflict can be
created even within ourselves. How do we
love and accept ourselves after we’ve made a mistake or done something that we don’t
approve of?
In discussing this situation with my son, we talked about
the circle of life, how the monkeys were not malicious but responding the way
only they knew how. I think most people
are the same. They’re not malicious,
they don’t mean to be harmful, they’re just responding the only way they know
how. Hungry animals need to eat. Hurting people do hurtful things. By building compassion and depersonalizing their
behavior, we can maintain our bonds and connections even with those we don’t
agree with or have very different belief systems. Even more importantly, we can love ourselves
even when we don’t like ourselves.
In the end, my son and I were able to enjoy the monkeys and
at the same time love on the little cat. (Needless to say the little cat spent a lot of
time in our room). It greatly helped
that the monkeys we saw were only eating mangos. So.…don’t feel like you have to choose
between a monkey or a cat. You can love them both.